Hair Restoration

Hair Restoration Services 

While many cosmetic procedures are more popular for women, none are more skewed to a male audience than hair restoration. Losing your hair can be a huge blow to your confidence, and for many men, it happens far earlier than they were expecting. Luckily, with the help of modern technology, all men, from the ones with receding hairlines to the fully bald, finally have options to restoring their hair. 

Plasma Rich Platelets for Hair Restoration

Ever since its inception in the 1980s, platelet-rich plasma (or PRP) therapy has been used to trigger natural hair growth in patients. The injections of PRP, which go directly into the scalp, are meant to increase blood supply to the hair follicles and increase the thickness of the hair in the area, leading to healthier, stronger hair and more of it. PRP Therapy for hair is done in three simple steps.


  • Step 1: Blood Draw
  • We take blood from your arm which will be used in the procedure.



  •  Step 2: Centrifuge
  • We put your blood into a centrifuge to spin it rapidly and separate the fluid into different substances by density. After 10 minutes, the blood will be in 3 distinct layers. The platelet rich plasma, the platelet poor plasma, and red blood cells.
  • Step 3: Plasma Injection
  • The platelet rich plasma is the truly magical component of your blood when it comes to hair regrowth. We take it into a syringe and inject it into areas of your scalp that need help growing hair. 


These treatments can happen regularly as needed to continually promote hair growth across your entire head. Don’t settle for baldness or a wig when you can grow your own natural hair again with PRP therapy.

Call today for more information about our PRP therapy options for hair restoration.
(573) 483-9700
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